Research Grants
Current Grants
- Research Grant,
National Synthesis Center for Emergence in the Molecular and Cellular Sciences, National Science Foundation (2024-2029), $20,000,000.
- Research Grant,
Collaborative Research: FW-HTF-RL: Future of Digital Facility Management, National Science Foundation (2022-2025), $775,438
- Research Grant,
III: Small: Predictive Modeling from High-Dimensional, Sparsely and Irregularly Sampled, Longitudinal Data, National Science Foundation (2022-2025), $599,883
- Research Grant,
Collaborative Research: RI: III: SHF: Small: Multi-Stakeholder Decision Making: Qualitative Preference Languages, Interactive Reasoning, and Explanation, National Science Foundation (2022-2025), $299,992
- Research Grant,
AI-based Mapping of Complex Cannabis Extracts in Pain Pathways National Institutes of Health, Vasant Honavar (Co-I), $3,500,000, National Institutes of Health (2023-2028).
Research Grant,
BD Hubs: NORTHEAST Big Data Innovation Hub National Science Foundation (2019-2024). Vasant Honavar (co-PI), with Jeanette Wing (Columbia), Rene Baston (Columbia), Andrew McCallum (UMass-Amherst), and James Hendler (RPI) $4,000,000
Research Grant, 2UL1TR002014-05A1,
Penn State Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute, National Institutes of Health (2021-2026). Lawrence Sinoway (PI) Vasant Honavar (Informatics Co-Lead) $22,113,244.
Research Grant,
Collaborative Research: RESEARCH-PGR: Genetic and environmentally-induced functional variation in the rice RNA structurome, National Science Foundation (2020-2022). Vasant Honavar (Co-PI, with Sarah Assmann and Philip Bevilaqua) Total: $1,800,000
Past Grants
- Research Grant,
Research Grant,
EAGER: Interpreting Black-Box Predictive Models Through Causal Attribution, National Science Foundation (2020-2024). Vasant Honavar (PI), $200,000
- Infrastructure Planning Grant, CCRI: Planning-C: A Community Research Infrastructure for Integrated AI-Enabled Malware and Network Data Analytics,
National Science Foundation (2022-2024).
Research Grant,
CIF21 DIBBs: EI: Virtual Data Collaboratory: A Regional Cyberinfrastructure for Collaborative Data Intensive Science, National Science Foundation (2016-2022). Vasant Honavar (PI-PSU), with Manish Parashar (PI-Rutgers). $4,000,000
Research Grant, Digital Collaboratory for Precision Health Research, Pennsylvania State University, Vasant Honavar. $250,000 (2018-2021).
Scalable Near-Real-Time Identification and Characterization of Malware Behaviors from Darknet Data. William J. Hughes Technical Center. Pennsylvania State University, Vasant Honavar (Co-PI) with John Yen. $499,687. (2019-2022)
Research Grant, AI for Predictive Maintenance, Pennsylvania State University, Vasant Honavar. $100,000, Volvo. (2021-2022).
- Research Grant, Graph Optimization via Deep Learning. Vasant Honavar (Co-PI), with Suhang Wang. Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology. $146,661. 2020-2021.
Research Grant,
BD Spokes: SPOKE: NORTHEAST: Collaborative Research: Integration of Environmental Factors and Causal Reasoning Approaches for Large-Scale Observational Health Research, National Science Foundation (2015-2019). Vasant Honavar (PI) Total: $1,000,000. Penn State Budget: $95,367
Research Grant,
CC* CRIA: Eastern Regional Network, National Science Foundation (2020-2022). Vasant Honavar (Co-PI, with James von Oehsen, Bruce Segee, Sharon Pitt and John Goodhue) Total: $250,000
Research Grant,
AI Institute Planning: AI-Enabled Materials Discovery, Design and Synthesis, National Science Foundation (2020-2022). Vasant Honavar (PI, with Elsa Olivetti, Adri van Duin, Mehrdad Mahdavi and Dane Morgan) Total: $500,000.
- Research Grant,
Exploring Graph Neural Networks for Attributed Multi-Layer Criminal Network Analysis, Center for Criminal Network Analysis, George Mason University, Subaward from Department of Homeland Security, $340,000, Vasant Honavar (co-PI) (2022-2024).
Research Grant,
Penn State Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute, National Institutes of Health (2016-2019). Lawrence Sinoway (PI) Vasant Honavar (Informatics Co-Lead) $20,000,000
Research Grant,
Penn State Biomedical Big Data to Knowledge (B2D2K) Training Program, National Institutes of Health (2016-2020). Vasant Honavar (PI), with James Broach and Runze Li, $1,500,000.
Research Grant,
EAGER: Towards a Computational Infrastructure for Analysis of Sensitive Data, National Science Foundation (2015-2019). Vasant Honavar (PI) $231,578.
- Research Grant, SHF:Large:Collaborative Research: Inferring Software Specifications from Open Source Repositories by Leveraging Data and Collective Community Expertise National Science Foundation (2015-2019). Vasant Honavar (Penn State University PI), $319,511 (Penn State University Budget). In partnership with Iowa State University, University of Central Florida, and Bowling Green State University.
Research Grant,
Automating Artificial Intelligence: Empowering Analysts with Intelligent, Autonomous Software Agents, NGIA (Subaward from Concurrent Technologies Corporation), $67,279, 2017. (2015-2019). Vasant Honavar (PI).
New Techniques for Active Cyber-Defense, NSA/DHS National Centers of Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity (2015-2016), Vasant Honavar (Co-PI) (With Peng Liu, John Yen, Minghui Zhu, Sencun Zhu), $269,981.
RAPID: Socio-technical systems and Big Data Analytics in the Ebola Response, National Science Foundation (2015-2016). Vasant Honavar (Co-PI) (With Andrea Tapia and Carleen Maitland). $99,902.
Research Grant,
Collaborative Research: Learning Classifiers from Autonomous, Semantically Heterogeneous, Distributed Data, National Science Foundation (2007-2010). Vasant Honavar (PI) $449,999.
Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA) Appointment (2010-2013), National Science Foundation, Vasant Honavar (PI), $701,972.
Identifying porcine genes and gene networks involved in effective response to PRRS virus using functional genomics and systems biology (2010-2014), Joan Lunney (PI), Vasant Honavar (Co-PI), Zhihua Jiang (Co-PI), Roman Pogranichniy (Co-PI), Juan Pedro Steibel (Co-PI), Chris Tuggle (Co-PI), United States Department of Agriculture, $750,000.
Developing Predictive Models for Identifying Pigs with Superior Immune Response and Improved Food Safety (2008-2010), Vasant Honavar (Co-PI), with Chris Tuggle, Daniel Nettleton, Joan Lunney, Michael Wannemuehler, Shawn Bearson. $749,345.
Research Grant,
Discovering Protein Sequence-Structure-Function Relationships, Biological Information Science and Technology Initiative, National Institutes of Health (2003-2007).
Vasant Honavar (PI), (with Drena Dobbs and Robert Jernigan),
Research Grant,
Exploratory Investigation of Modular Ontologies Vasant Honavar (PI), Giora Slutzki (Co-PI), and Doina Caragea (Co-PI), (2006-2008). $112,000.
Research Grant,
Interactive and Verifiable Composition of Web Services To Satisfy End User Goals, Vasant Honavar (Co-PI), Samik Basu (PI), Robyn Lutz (co-PI). National Science Foundation (2007-2010). $335,002.
Training Grant, IGERT - Computational Biology Training Group. Vasant Honavar (Co-PI), (with Dan Voytas, Drena Dobbs, Susan Carpenter, Mary O'Connel, Desh Ranjan) National Science Foundation (2005-2010) $2,968,976.
Research Grant,
High-Accuracy Protein Models Derived from Lower Resolution Data. National Institutes of Health (2007-2010), Vasant Honavar, (with Andrzej Kloczkowski , Robert Jernigan, Mark Gordon, Zhijun Wu, Iowa State University and Janusz Bujnicki, Krzysztof Ginalski and Andrzej Kolinski, Warsaw University), $744,725.
Infrastructure Grant,
Computational support staff for expanding animal functional genomics. Center for Integrative Animal Genomics, Iowa State University (2007-2009), Vasant Honavar (PI), (with Chris Tuggle and Jim Reecy), $50,000.
Research Grant,
Tools for leveraging large Scale "omics" to guide hypothesis-driven experimentation and computational modeling. Center for Integrative Animal Genomics, Iowa State University (2007-2009), Vasant Honavar (Co-PI), (with Chris Tuggle, Heather West Greenlee), $25,000.
Infrastructure Grant, (Cyber Innovation Institute). Iowa State Board of Regents (2006-2009), Vasant Honavar (with Jim Oliver, Arun Somani, Doug Jacobson, Krishna Rajan), $1,000,000.
Training Grant,
NIH-NSF BBSI Summer Institute in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology - Iowa State University. National Science Foundation
Vasant Honavar (Co-PI) (with Volker Brendel, Robert Jernigan, Karin Dorman, and Julie Dickerson).
(2006-2009). $450,000.
Research Grant, DDAS-TMRP Auto-Steered Information-Decision Processes for Electric Power Systems Asset Management, National Science Foundation Vasant Honavar (Co-PI), with James McCalley, Sarah Ryan, William Meeker, and Daji Qiao (2006-2009) $700,000.
Infrastructure Grant, Center for Computational Inference, Learning, and Discovery. Vice Provost for Research, Iowa State University (2005-2008) $350,000
- Research Grant, Integrating Functional Genomics and Quantitative Genetics. United States Department of Agriculture, Vasant Honavar (Co-PI), with Dekkers, Tuggle, Nettleton, Anderson, Rekaya, Hausman, Barb (2005-2008) $876,000.
Research Grant,
ITR: Algorithms and Software for Knowledge Acquisition from Heterogeneous Distributed Data. National Science Foundation
Vasant Honavar (PI)
(2002-2006). $223,500.
Research Grant,
Gene Expression Analysis in the Developing Retina, National Institutes of Health (2003-2007).
Vasant Honavar (Co-PI), (with Heather West-Greenlee and Jan Buss),
Training Grant,
NIH-NSF BBSI Summer Institute in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology - Iowa State University. National Science Foundation
Vasant Honavar (Co-PI) (with Volker Brendel, Robert Jernigan, Karin Dorman, and Xun Gu).
(2002-2006). $645,000.
Training Grant,
IGERT: Computational Biology Training Program. National Science Foundation.
Vasant Honavar (Co-PI) (with Dan Voytas (Botany), Susan Carpenter (Biomedical Sciences), Pat Schnable and Jonathan Wendel (Zoology and Genetics)).
(1999-2005). $3,860,171 (plus $1,161,010 in matching funds).
Conference Grant, Symposium on Integration of Structural and Functional Genomics at Iowa State University, National Science Foundation, Vasant Honavar, (Co-PI), with Chris Tuggle and Marit Nielsen-Hamilton (2005-2006) $10,900.
Research Grant,
Interactive and Dynamic Overviews of Large, Multi-Dimensional Datasets. National Science Foundation
Vasant Honavar (Co-PI) (with Les Miller and Dianne Cook).
(1999-2003). $370,000.
Research Grant,
Automated Integration of Condition Monitoring with an Optimized Maintenance Scheduler for Circuit Breakers and Power Transformers. Power Systems Engineering Research Center (a National Science Foundation Industry-University Research Center).
Vasant Honavar (Co-PI) (with
James McCalley, Electrical Engineering, in collaboration with Mladen Kezunovic, Chanan Singh of Texas A & M).
Research and Training Grant,
Pioneer Hi-Bred Graduate Fellowships in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology.
Vasant Honavar (PI) (with doctoral students Adrian Silvescu and Carson Andorf). (2002-2004). $80,000.
Research and Training Grant,
IBM Doctoral Research Fellowship.
Vasant Honavar (with doctoral student Doina Caragea).
(2003-2004). $25,000.
- Research Grant. Innovative Technologies for Defense Against Catastrophic Failures of Complex, Interactive Power Networks, U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) and Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), (Collaborative project involving 9 ISU faculty and faculty from 3 other universities). Vasant Honavar (Co-Investigator) (with V. Vittal, S. Venkata, J. McCalley, G. Sheble, and V. Ajjarapu (Electrical Engineering), Leigh Tesfatsion (Economics), and Wolfgang Kleimann (Mathematics)). (1999-2004). $4,500,000.
- Research Grant, SGER: Multidisciplinary Aspects of Computation Theory, National Science Foundation Vasant Honavar (Co-PI), with Jack Lutz (PI), Pavan Aduri (Co-PI), and Krishna Athreya (Co-PI), (2003-2004). $74,948.
Research and Training Grant,
IBM Doctoral Research Fellowship.
Vasant Honavar (with doctoral student Doina Caragea).
(2002-2003). $25,000.
Research Grant, Data Mining of Electric Power Usage Data to Develop Customer Profiles. Cooperative Research Proposal. Power Domain, Inc. (2001-2002). Vasant Honavar. $43,639.
Research Grant, Distributed Knowledge Networks to Provide Decision Support for Security-Economy Decisions in Operating Stressed Power Systems. National Science Foundation (2000-2001). $99,999.
Research Grant (IRI-9409580), Constructive Neural Network Learning Algorithms for Pattern Classification, National Science Foundation, (1994-1999). Vasant Honavar. $111,537 (plus $10,000 in matching funds).
Research Grant, Distributed Knowledge Networks, John Deere Foundation, 1999-2000. Vasant Honavar. $30,000.
Research Grant, Integrated Intelligent Diagnosis and Advisory Systems - Analysis, John Deere Foundation, 1995-1996. Vasant Honavar. $15,000.
Research Grant, Integrated Intelligent Diagnosis Systems, John Deere Foundation, 1996-1998. Vasant Honavar. $15,000.
Graduate Research Assistantship in Neuroscience, Graduate College, Iowa State University, (1997-1998).
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, IBM Corporation, 1997-1998.
Graduate Research Assistantships in Computational Biology, Graduate College,
Iowa State University, (1998-1999).
A Gene Specific DNA Chip for Exploring Molecular Evolutionary Change,
Carver Foundation, (1998-1999), Gavin Naylor and Vasant Honavar. $17,200.
Development of Protein Structure Prediction Algorithms. Carver Foundation, 1999-2000, Drena Dobbs, Vasant Honavar, Kai-Ming Ho, Amy Andreotti, Gavin Naylor, Jamie Morris, Les Miller. $25,000.
Genetic Algorithms for Protein Structure Prediction, DOE Ames Laboratory, 1999-2000. Drena Dobbs, Vasant Honavar, Kai-Ming Ho, Amy Andreotti, Gavin Naylor, Jamie Morris, Les Miller. $35,000.
Intelligent Systems for Power Systems Management and Control (Internationalization/Globalization Grant), Council on International Relations (1998-99), James McCalley and Vasant Honavar.
- Intelligent Agents for Intrusion Detection. Department of Defense (1998-2000), Johnny Wong, Vasant Honavar, and Les Miller. $199,769.